HCP Young Adult

NeuroImage Special Issue released: Mapping the Connectome

Author: Jenn Elam
Published: Jul 22, 2013
Study: HCP Young Adult

Cover_Special_NeuoImageA special issue of the journal NeuroImage devoted to human connectomics has just been released:

Mapping the Connectome

Volume 80, Edited by Stephen Smith


As Steve Smith writes in his Introduction to the issue:

This special issue on “Mapping the Connectome” is a review of the major issues and current projects relating to connectomics; it aims to be comprehensive, albeit with a strong bias towards the macroscopic, in vivo, human connectome, as most appropriate for the readership of NeuroImage.

In addition to many papers by leading experts in connectomics, 8 original manuscripts authored by the Human Connectome Project WU-Minn consortium  detailing the state of the project’s components as of March 2013 are published in this special issue:

A summary of each of these manuscripts is available on the HCP Publications page.

Please refer to these papers for details on the methodology and rationale behind the collection, analysis, and ongoing development of tools for distributing and visualizing HCP data. Happy reading!