Using Workbench Command

Workbench Command is a set of command-line tools that can be used to perform simple and complex operations within Connectome Workbench.

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   wb_command -file-convert

      [-border-version-convert] - write a border file with a different version
         <border-in> - the input border file
         <out-version> - the format version to write as, 1 or 3 (2 doesn't
         <border-out> - output - the output border file

         [-surface] - must be specified if the input is version 1
            <surface> - use this surface file for structure and number of
               vertices, ignore borders on other structures

      [-nifti-version-convert] - write a nifti file with a different version
         <input> - the input nifti file
         <version> - the nifti version to write as
         <output> - output - the output nifti file

      [-cifti-version-convert] - write a cifti file with a different version
         <cifti-in> - the input cifti file
         <version> - the cifti version to write as
         <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

      You may only specify one top-level option.