HCP Aging

HCP-Aging Data Release 1.0 Access Instructions

Release Date: May 21, 2019
Type: Data Release

The CCF's first release of data, the Lifespan HCP Release 1.0 for HCP-Development and HCP-Aging, is now available. All HCP-Aging (ages (36-100+) data is shared in the NIMH Data Archive NDA Collection #2847.

Lifespan HCP Release 1.0 data includes unprocessed data of all modalities (structural MRI, resting state fMRI, task fMRI, and diffusion MRI) for 689 HCP-A subjects, minimally preprocessed structural MRI data for 128 subjects, and basic demographic data (age, sex, race/ethnicity, handedness) for all released HCP-D subjects. Because some subjects in HCP-D are related, an unrelated dataset (656 subjects) is available as a shared package (option one) or can be filtered on to create a custom package (option two).

The Lifespan HCP 1.0 Release Appendix describes the available Shared data packages and filters for creating a custom package and lists the files and directory structure of the data included in the full release.

To access the data, start by 
creating an NDA account or login to your existing one. After login, go to your account’s Data Permissions dashboard. Here you can request or renew access electronically to one or many repositories in NDA, including CCF and others. 

In the Actions column in the ABCD/CCF Permissions group row, select “Request Access” and complete the access request instructions to create a signed Data Use Certification (DUC). There are three criteria you must meet to be eligible to request NDA access:  

  1. You must have a research-related need to access the data 

  1. You must be associated with an NIH-recognized research institution, defined as an institution registered in the NIH electronic research administration system (eRA Commons,) and have the approval of an authorized signatory official of that institution. 

  1. Your institution must have an active Federalwide Assurance (FWA). 

If you have questions, please view NDA's tutorials or email NDAHelpOnce approved, access is valid for one full year, at which point a renewal request should be submitted through the same process as above to maintain access.