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1200 Subjects Data Release

The final data release of new subjects includes updated diffusion data for all subjects, 46 retest datasets, and 184 7T datasets

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Relive the 2019 HCP Course

The course materials and practical sessions from the 2019 HCP Course in Portland Oregon have been posted for download.

Study Overview

Mapping the human brain is one of the great scientific challenges of the 21st century. 

The Human Connectome Project (HCP) has tackled key aspects of this challenge by charting the neural pathways that underlie brain function and behavior, including high-quality neuroimaging data in over 1100 healthy young adults. 

Using greatly improved methods for data acquisition, analysis, and sharing, the HCP has provided the scientific community with data and discoveries that greatly enhance our understanding of human brain structure, function, and connectivity and their relationships to behavior. 

The ‘HCP-style’ neuroimaging approach is being applied to a new generation of studies, including the Lifespan HCP and Connectomes Related to Human Disease projects. 

Principal Investigators

Kamil Ugurbil

Kamil Ugurbil, Ph.D. - UMinn Principal Investigator

David Van Essen

David Van Essen, Ph.D. - WashU Principal Investigator

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Current Data Releases

S1200 Extensively Processed fMRI Data

S1200 Extensively Processed fMRI Data Released on 07/21/2017

High-level extensively processed data for the 1200 Subjects release including group average structural and tfMRI data, group average functional connectivity, and Group ICA-based parcellation + timeseries + netmats datasets.  

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Release Date: Jul 21, 2017

1200 Subjects Data Release

1200 Subjects Data Release Released on 03/01/2017

Summary: The 1200 Subjects release (final release of new subjects) includes behavioral and 3T MR imaging data from1206 healthy young adult participants collected in 2012-2015. 3T structural scans are available for 1113 subjects. 46 subjects have 3T HCP protocol Retest data available. 184 subjects have multimodal 7T MR imaging data available. 3T and 7T Diffusion data for all subjects have been re-preprocessed with an updated diffusion pipeline that removes noise caused by subject movement. 3T diffusion bedpostX analysis datasets have been added.

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Release Date: Mar 01, 2017

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