Using Workbench Command

Workbench Command is a set of command-line tools that can be used to perform simple and complex operations within Connectome Workbench.

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   wb_command -cifti-convert

      [-to-gifti-ext] - convert to GIFTI external binary
         <cifti-in> - the input cifti file
         <gifti-out> - output - the output gifti file

      [-from-gifti-ext] - convert a GIFTI made with this command back into a
         <gifti-in> - the input gifti file
         <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

         [-reset-timepoints] - reset the mapping along rows to timepoints,
            taking length from the gifti file
            <timestep> - the desired time between frames
            <timestart> - the desired time offset of the initial frame

            [-unit] - use a unit other than time
               <unit> - unit identifier (default SECOND)

         [-reset-scalars] - reset mapping along rows to scalars, taking length
            from the gifti file

         [-column-reset-scalars] - reset mapping along columns to scalar
            (useful for changing number of series in a sdseries file)

         [-replace-binary] - replace data with a binary file
            <binary-in> - the binary file that contains replacement data

            [-flip-endian] - byteswap the binary file

            [-transpose] - transpose the binary file

      [-to-nifti] - convert to NIFTI1
         <cifti-in> - the input cifti file
         <nifti-out> - output - the output nifti file

         [-smaller-file] - use better-fitting dimension lengths

         [-smaller-dims] - minimize the largest dimension, for tools that don't
            like large indices

      [-from-nifti] - convert a NIFTI (1 or 2) file made with this command back
         into CIFTI
         <nifti-in> - the input nifti file
         <cifti-template> - a cifti file with the dimension(s) and mapping(s)
            that should be used
         <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

         [-reset-timepoints] - reset the mapping along rows to timepoints,
            taking length from the nifti file
            <timestep> - the desired time between frames
            <timestart> - the desired time offset of the initial frame

            [-unit] - use a unit other than time
               <unit> - unit identifier (default SECOND)

         [-reset-scalars] - reset mapping along rows to scalars, taking length
            from the nifti file

      [-to-text] - convert to a plain text file
         <cifti-in> - the input cifti file
         <text-out> - output - the output text file

         [-col-delim] - choose string to put between elements in a row
            <delim-string> - the string to use (default is a tab character)

      [-from-text] - convert from plain text to cifti
         <text-in> - the input text file
         <cifti-template> - a cifti file with the dimension(s) and mapping(s)
            that should be used
         <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

         [-col-delim] - specify string that is between elements in a row
            <delim-string> - the string to use (default is any whitespace)

         [-reset-timepoints] - reset the mapping along rows to timepoints,
            taking length from the text file
            <timestep> - the desired time between frames
            <timestart> - the desired time offset of the initial frame

            [-unit] - use a unit other than time
               <unit> - unit identifier (default SECOND)

         [-reset-scalars] - reset mapping along rows to scalars, taking length
            from the text file

      This command is used to convert a full CIFTI matrix to/from formats that
      can be used by programs that don't understand CIFTI.  You must specify
      exactly one of -to-gifti-ext, -from-gifti-ext, -to-nifti, -from-nifti,
      -to-text, or -from-text.

      If you want to write an existing CIFTI file with a different CIFTI
      version, see -file-convert, and its -cifti-version-convert option.

      If you want part of the CIFTI file as a metric, label, or volume file,
      see -cifti-separate.  If you want to create a CIFTI file from metric
      and/or volume files, see the -cifti-create-* commands.

      If you want to import a matrix that is restricted to an ROI, first create
      a template CIFTI file matching that ROI using a -cifti-create-* command.
      After importing to CIFTI, you can then expand the file into a standard
      brainordinates space with -cifti-create-dense-from-template.  If you want
      to export only part of a CIFTI file, first create an roi-restricted CIFTI
      file with -cifti-restrict-dense-mapping.

      The -transpose option to -from-gifti-ext is needed if the replacement
      binary file is in column-major order.

      The -unit options accept these values:
