Workbench Command is a set of command-line tools that can be used to perform simple and complex operations within Connectome Workbench.
CREATE CIFTI WITH MATCHING DENSE MAP wb_command -cifti-create-dense-from-template <template-cifti> - file to match brainordinates of <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file [-series] - make a dtseries file instead of a dscalar <step> - increment between series points <start> - start value of the series [-unit] - select unit for series (default SECOND) <unit> - unit identifier [-volume-all] - specify an input volume file for all voxel data <volume-in> - the input volume file [-from-cropped] - the input is cropped to the size of the voxel data in the template file [-label-collision] - how to handle conflicts between label keys <action> - 'ERROR', 'SURFACES_FIRST', or 'LEGACY', default 'ERROR', use 'LEGACY' to match v1.4.2 and earlier [-cifti] - repeatable - use input data from a cifti file <cifti-in> - cifti file containing input data [-metric] - repeatable - use input data from a metric file <structure> - which structure to put the metric file into <metric-in> - input metric file [-label] - repeatable - use input data from surface label files <structure> - which structure to put the label file into <label-in> - input label file [-volume] - repeatable - use a volume file for a single volume structure's data <structure> - which structure to put the volume file into <volume-in> - the input volume file [-from-cropped] - the input is cropped to the size of the volume structure This command helps you make a new dscalar, dtseries, or dlabel cifti file that matches the brainordinate space used in another cifti file. The template file must have the desired brainordinate space in the mapping along the column direction (for dtseries, dscalar, dlabel, and symmetric dconn this is always the case). All input cifti files must have a brain models mapping along column and use the same volume space and/or surface vertex count as the template for structures that they contain. If any input files contain label data, then input files with non-label data are not allowed, and the -series option may not be used. Any structure that isn't covered by an input is filled with zeros or the unlabeled key. The <structure> argument of -metric, -label or -volume must be one of the following: CORTEX_LEFT CORTEX_RIGHT CEREBELLUM ACCUMBENS_LEFT ACCUMBENS_RIGHT ALL_GREY_MATTER ALL_WHITE_MATTER AMYGDALA_LEFT AMYGDALA_RIGHT BRAIN_STEM CAUDATE_LEFT CAUDATE_RIGHT CEREBELLAR_WHITE_MATTER_LEFT CEREBELLAR_WHITE_MATTER_RIGHT CEREBELLUM_LEFT CEREBELLUM_RIGHT CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_LEFT CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_RIGHT CORTEX DIENCEPHALON_VENTRAL_LEFT DIENCEPHALON_VENTRAL_RIGHT HIPPOCAMPUS_LEFT HIPPOCAMPUS_RIGHT INVALID OTHER OTHER_GREY_MATTER OTHER_WHITE_MATTER PALLIDUM_LEFT PALLIDUM_RIGHT PUTAMEN_LEFT PUTAMEN_RIGHT THALAMUS_LEFT THALAMUS_RIGHT The argument to -unit must be one of the following: SECOND HERTZ METER RADIAN