Workbench Command is a set of command-line tools that can be used to perform simple and complex operations within Connectome Workbench.
WRITE INDEX TO ELEMENT MAPPING AS TEXT wb_command -cifti-export-dense-mapping <cifti> - the cifti file <direction> - which direction to export the mapping from, ROW or COLUMN [-volume-all] - export the the mapping of all voxels <text-out> - output - the output text file [-no-cifti-index] - don't write the cifti index in the output file [-structure] - write the structure each voxel belongs to in the output file [-surface] - repeatable - export the the mapping of one surface structure <structure> - the structure to output <text-out> - output - the output text file [-no-cifti-index] - don't write the cifti index in the output file [-volume] - repeatable - export the the mapping of one volume structure <structure> - the structure to output <text-out> - output - the output text file [-no-cifti-index] - don't write the cifti index in the output file This command produces text files that describe the mapping from cifti indices to surface vertices or voxels. All indices are zero-based. The default format for -surface is lines of the form: <cifti-index> <vertex> The default format for -volume and -volume-all is lines of the form: <cifti-index> <i> <j> <k> For each <structure> argument, use one of the following strings: CORTEX_LEFT CORTEX_RIGHT CEREBELLUM ACCUMBENS_LEFT ACCUMBENS_RIGHT ALL_GREY_MATTER ALL_WHITE_MATTER AMYGDALA_LEFT AMYGDALA_RIGHT BRAIN_STEM CAUDATE_LEFT CAUDATE_RIGHT CEREBELLAR_WHITE_MATTER_LEFT CEREBELLAR_WHITE_MATTER_RIGHT CEREBELLUM_LEFT CEREBELLUM_RIGHT CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_LEFT CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_RIGHT CORTEX DIENCEPHALON_VENTRAL_LEFT DIENCEPHALON_VENTRAL_RIGHT HIPPOCAMPUS_LEFT HIPPOCAMPUS_RIGHT INVALID OTHER OTHER_GREY_MATTER OTHER_WHITE_MATTER PALLIDUM_LEFT PALLIDUM_RIGHT PUTAMEN_LEFT PUTAMEN_RIGHT THALAMUS_LEFT THALAMUS_RIGHT