Workbench Command is a set of command-line tools that can be used to perform simple and complex operations within Connectome Workbench.
MAKE ADJACENCY MATRIX OF A CIFTI LABEL FILE wb_command -cifti-label-adjacency <label-in> - the input cifti label file <adjacency-out> - output - the output cifti pconn adjacency matrix [-left-surface] - specify the left surface to use <surface> - the left surface file [-right-surface] - specify the right surface to use <surface> - the right surface file [-cerebellum-surface] - specify the cerebellum surface to use <surface> - the cerebellum surface file Find face-adjacent voxels and connected vertices that have different label values, and count them for each pair. Put the resulting counts into a parcellated connectivity file, with the diagonal being zero. This gives a rough estimate of how long or expansive the border between two labels is.