Workbench Command is a set of command-line tools that can be used to perform simple and complex operations within Connectome Workbench.
AVERAGE ROWS IN A SINGLE CIFTI FILE wb_command -cifti-roi-average <cifti-in> - the cifti file to average rows from <text-out> - output text file of the average values [-cifti-roi] - cifti file containing combined rois <roi-cifti> - the rois as a cifti file [-left-roi] - vertices to use from left hemisphere <roi-metric> - the left roi as a metric file [-right-roi] - vertices to use from right hemisphere <roi-metric> - the right roi as a metric file [-cerebellum-roi] - vertices to use from cerebellum <roi-metric> - the cerebellum roi as a metric file [-vol-roi] - voxels to use <roi-vol> - the roi volume file Average the rows that are within the specified ROIs, and write the resulting average row to a text file, separated by newlines. If -cifti-roi is specified, -left-roi, -right-roi, -cerebellum-roi, and -vol-roi must not be specified.