Workbench Command is a set of command-line tools that can be used to perform simple and complex operations within Connectome Workbench.
GENERATES A MATRIX2 CIFTI FROM MATRIX4 WBSPARSE wb_command -convert-matrix4-to-matrix2 <matrix4-wbsparse> - a wbsparse matrix4 file <counts-out> - output - the total fiber counts, as a cifti file [-distances] - output average trajectory distance <distance-out> - output - the distances, as a cifti file [-individual-fibers] - output files for each fiber direction <fiber-1> - output - output file for first fiber <fiber-2> - output - output file for second fiber <fiber-3> - output - output file for third fiber This command makes a cifti file from the fiber counts in a matrix4 wbsparse file, and optionally a second cifti file from the distances. Note that while the total count is stored exactly, the per-fiber counts are stored as approximate fractions, so the output of -individual-fibers will contain nonintegers.