Using Workbench Command

Workbench Command is a set of command-line tools that can be used to perform simple and complex operations within Connectome Workbench.

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   wb_command -metric-resample
      <metric-in> - the metric file to resample
      <current-sphere> - a sphere surface with the mesh that the metric is
         currently on
      <new-sphere> - a sphere surface that is in register with <current-sphere>
         and has the desired output mesh
      <method> - the method name
      <metric-out> - output - the output metric

      [-area-surfs] - specify surfaces to do vertex area correction based on
         <current-area> - a relevant anatomical surface with <current-sphere>
         <new-area> - a relevant anatomical surface with <new-sphere> mesh

      [-area-metrics] - specify vertex area metrics to do area correction based
         <current-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for <current-sphere>
         <new-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for <new-sphere> mesh

      [-current-roi] - use an input roi on the current mesh to exclude non-data
         <roi-metric> - the roi, as a metric file

      [-valid-roi-out] - output the ROI of vertices that got data from valid
         source vertices
         <roi-out> - output - the output roi as a metric

      [-largest] - use only the value of the vertex with the largest weight

      [-bypass-sphere-check] - ADVANCED: allow the current and new 'spheres' to
         have arbitrary shape as long as they follow the same contour

      Resamples a metric file, given two spherical surfaces that are in
      register.  If ADAP_BARY_AREA is used, exactly one of -area-surfs or
      -area-metrics must be specified.

      The ADAP_BARY_AREA method is recommended for ordinary metric data,
      because it should use all data while downsampling, unlike BARYCENTRIC.
      The recommended areas option for most data is individual midthicknesses
      for individual data, and averaged vertex area metrics from individual
      midthicknesses for group average data.

      The -current-roi option only masks the input, the output may be slightly
      dilated in comparison, consider using -metric-mask on the output when
      using -current-roi.

      The -largest option results in nearest vertex behavior when used with
      BARYCENTRIC.  When resampling a binary metric, consider thresholding at
      0.5 after resampling rather than using -largest.

      The <method> argument must be one of the following: