Workbench Command is a set of command-line tools that can be used to perform simple and complex operations within Connectome Workbench.
DEPRECATED: use -metric-stats or -metric-weighted-stats wb_command -metric-vertex-sum <metric-in> - the metric to sum [-integrate] - integrate across a surface, rather than summing <surface> - the surface to integrate on [-integrate-metric] - integrate using vertex areas from a metric file <area-metric> - metric file containing vertex areas [-roi] - only use data inside an roi <roi-metric> - the roi, as a metric file [-column] - select a single column <column> - the column number or name DEPRECATED: this command may be removed in a future release, use -metric-stats or -metric-weighted-stats. For each column in <metric-in>, sum the values across all vertices, then print the sum on standard output. -integrate and -integrate-metric multiply each vertex value by the vertex area before doing the sum. Only one of -integrate and -integrate-metric may be specified. Use -roi to only sum within a specific area. Use -column to only report for one column.