Workbench Command is a set of command-line tools that can be used to perform simple and complex operations within Connectome Workbench.
SET THE NAME OF ONE OR MORE MAPS IN A FILE wb_command -set-map-names <data-file> - the file to set the map names of [-name-file] - use a text file to replace all map names <file> - text file containing map names, one per line [-from-data-file] - use the map names from another data file <file> - a data file with the same number of maps [-map] - repeatable - specify a map to set the name of <index> - the map index to change the name of <new-name> - the name to set for the map Sets the name of one or more maps for metric, shape, label, volume, cifti scalar or cifti label files. You must specify either -name-file, or -from-data-file, or at least one -map option. The three option types are mutually exclusive.