Using Workbench Command

Workbench Command is a set of command-line tools that can be used to perform simple and complex operations within Connectome Workbench.

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   wb_command -volume-capture-plane
      <volume> - the volume file to interpolate from
      <subvolume> - the name or number of the subvolume to use
      <interp> - interpolation type
      <h-dim> - width of output image, in pixels
      <v-dim> - height of output image, in pixels
      <scale-min> - value to render as black
      <scale-max> - value to render as white
      <bottom-left-x> - x-coordinate of the bottom left of the output image
      <bottom-left-y> - y-coordinate of the bottom left of the output image
      <bottom-left-z> - z-coordinate of the bottom left of the output image
      <bottom-right-x> - x-coordinate of the bottom right of the output image
      <bottom-right-y> - y-coordinate of the bottom right of the output image
      <bottom-right-z> - z-coordinate of the bottom right of the output image
      <top-left-x> - x-coordinate of the top left of the output image
      <top-left-y> - y-coordinate of the top left of the output image
      <top-left-z> - z-coordinate of the top left of the output image
      <image> - output - the output image

      NOTE: If you want to generate an image with all of the capabilities of
      the GUI rendering, see -show-scene.

      Renders an image of an arbitrary plane through the volume file, with a
      simple linear grayscale palette.  The parameter <interp> must be one of:
