Using Workbench Command

Workbench Command is a set of command-line tools that can be used to perform simple and complex operations within Connectome Workbench.

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   wb_command -volume-tfce
      <volume-in> - the volume to run TFCE on
      <volume-out> - output - the output volume

      [-presmooth] - smooth the volume before running TFCE
         <kernel> - the size of the gaussian smoothing kernel in mm, as sigma
            by default

         [-fwhm] - smoothing kernel size is FWHM, not sigma

      [-roi] - select a region of interest to run TFCE on
         <roi-volume> - the area to run TFCE on, as a volume

      [-parameters] - set parameters for TFCE integral
         <E> - exponent for cluster volume (default 0.5)
         <H> - exponent for threshold value (default 2.0)

      [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume
         <subvolume> - the subvolume number or name

      This command does not do any statistical analysis.  Please use something
      like PALM if you are just trying to do statistics on your data.

      Threshold-free cluster enhancement is a method to increase the relative
      value of regions that would form clusters in a standard thresholding
      test.  This is accomplished by evaluating the integral of:

      e(h, p)^E * h^H * dh

      at each voxel p, where h ranges from 0 to the maximum value in the data,
      and e(h, p) is the extent of the cluster containing voxel p at threshold
      h.  Negative values are similarly enhanced by negating the data, running
      the same process, and negating the result.

      This method is explained in: Smith SM, Nichols TE., "Threshold-free
      cluster enhancement: addressing problems of smoothing, threshold
      dependence and localisation in cluster inference." Neuroimage. 2009 Jan
      1;44(1):83-98. PMID: 18501637