Subjects underwent the following MRI scans, divided in 2 sessions with a break in between. 1) Spin-echo fieldmaps, 2) Resting state fMRI, 3) Emotion task fMRI, 4) Gambling task fMRI, 5) Selective working memory task fMRI, 6) T1-weighted anatomical, 7) T2-weighted anatomical 8) Spin-echo fieldmaps, 9) Resting state fMRI, 10) Diffusion-weighted imaging.
Protocol details:
Further Reading:
Tozzi, L., Staveland, B., Holt-Gosselin, B., Chesnut, M., Chang, S. E., Choi, D., Shiner, M., Wu, H., Lerma-Usabiaga, G., Sporns, O., Barch, D. M., Gotlib, I. H., Hastie, T. J., Kerr, A. B., Poldrack, R. A., Wandell, B. A., Wintermark, M., & Williams, L. M. (2020). The human connectome project for disordered emotional states: Protocol and rationale for a research domain criteria study of brain connectivity in young adult anxiety and depression. NeuroImage, 214, 116715.